BBrain Family G2

Does one of your parents need help with day to day life? Do you have less to no time to visit every day due to your own daily obligations? The BBrain Family G2 calendar clock helps you to remotely guide your loved one and involve them more often in your daily life. You can send messages and photos through the calendar clock, but you can also manage appointments in the calendar. This way you can not only offer the clock user – for example, one of your parents – more certainty, but also more joy.

Are you not sure whether the Family G2 or Family D2 is the best fit for your situation? You can always switch the interface from G2 to D2 and vice versa via the settings menu.


  • Free shipment
  • 14-day return policy
  • #1 brand in Calendar Clocks
Dagelijkse planning en structuur

Daily planning and structure

Contact en verbinding

Stay in contact
with video calling

Ondersteuning bij afgenomen tijdsbesef

Support with decreased sense of time

Het vergroten van de zelfredzaamheid

 Increase of self-reliance

Het verminderen van de eenzaamheid

Reducing loneliness

Slechtzienden icoon

function for the visually impaired


BBrain Family G2: Bringing generations together

With the BBrain Family G2 calendar clock you involve an independent senior, such as your parents, in your daily life and give them just that little bit of extra help and attention when needed. Through video calling you can have real contact when a daily visit is not possible. You can send messages and photos of vacations and their grandchildren; you can put appointments in the agenda; and you can give reminders about taking medication. Seniors enjoy the attention and the help they get through the calendar clock.





persoonlijk met beeldbellen

BBrain app:

Send your photos, appointments, and messages to the clock.

With the free BBrain app for iOS and Android you can easily manage functions such as video calling, calendar management, sending messages and photos, and setting alarms and reminders. You can download the app for desktop, tablet, and phone. You can link as many administrators as you like.

BBrain Family app

BBrain Family G2 in pictures

  • Free shipment
  • 14-day return policy
  • #1 brand in Calendar clocks


Frequently asked questions

The G2 is an interactive calendar clock that can be used by the user himself (in combination with help from family and caregivers via the app). With the G2 it is possible to send separate photos, agenda items and messages to the clock. The BBrain will read a message or notification out loud as soon as the clock receives them. A red bar with the message in it will appear. When the user wants to remove the red bar, they have to click on the notification. The messages etc. will remain on the clock. Messages can only be removed completely by the relatives. With agenda items, relatives can set the time for how long an appointment should be on the screen. The appointment can be displayed for a maximum of 10 hours. The G2 calendar clock has various versions, so it is possible to switch from the interactive version to the passive version. The passive version will also result in the clock having a longer duration of use.

It is possible to switch between the two versions. You can do this by going to the settings, where you can choose between the two versions. However, when you switch from the D2 to the G2 mode, activities will no longer be shown. In the G2 mode messages, photos and agenda items are displayed, while in the D2 mode only activities are displayed. When you switch back from the G2 to the D2 mode, agenda items and photos etc. also won’t be shown anymore. If you change between the versions once again, they will come back.

To be able to use the different functions on the clock, such as the sending of messages, photos, and agenda items, Wi-Fi is necessary. If the user doesn’t have Wi-Fi the messages won’t arrive. It is not possible to put the agenda items in the calendar on a location where there is Wi-Fi if the clock will eventually go to a location without Wi-Fi. The clock won’t be able to retrieve the agenda items because there is no Wi-Fi. The clock itself can be used without Wi-Fi, but it will only act as a clock in that case. However, should that be the case, the clock will still read out the time and date.

If you don’t have access to a Wi-Fi connection on your location, you can connect the clock with an Ethernet cable. There is an ethernet connection at the back of the device.

No problem. On our support page you can download and print the instruction manual. In addition to the instruction manual, you can also find videos on how to set up the BBrain.

Click here to go to the support page

Should you have other questions, you can always call us or send us an email. Our BBrain team is more than happy to help you.

From Monday to Friday you can call us during office hours (8.30 am to 5.30 pm) on +31 (0)88 0080 130

Do you prefer contacting us through email, or is our customer service closed? Please send an email to: [email protected]

Other frequently asked questions can be found here

BBrain Family G2